Qigong & Breath Work
"Beyond all sound is silence
Beyond all movement is stillness
Rest in your true nature of
Silence and stillness"

Qi means subtle breath or vital energy and
Gong means skill cultivated through steady practice.
Qigong is building and balancing life energy
through exercise. It can slow down the aging process and improve health.
A quote by Moshe Feldenkrais, who discovered neuroplasticity. Where movement increases self-awareness and therefore we are able to...
"...make the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant."

Why Breath Work?
The breath is our doorway to letting go of fear and negative emotions. Everybody needs to breathe, but a lot of us are breathing unnaturally.
How often do you think about your breath? By being aware of your breath it can help promote self-reliance. The breath is a 'life hack' and can offer you another tool to your toolbox to navigate e-motions and the sound (gong bath).
Did you know our bodies are bio-batteries which self generate and store energy? When we breathe we flow and when we flow we want to be as fluid as we can, to create hydration in the body. Therefore it is very important to drink lots of warm water. When we have flow we have energy. When we have energy we are happier, healthier, we have more clarity and are able to heal and create.

Why We Need To Exhale?
To release anxiety. When we have tension, our body tightens, our breath constricts, our muscles restrict blood flow and oxygen to our cells needed for health and happiness.
Anxiety, stress and fear are created internally from not ‘letting go’ of stored emotions. When we exhale we relax and get rid of our internal rubbish, forgive, forget and let go of all the negative beliefs, especially the extreme ones of trauma, sadness and depression.
When people cannot let go or connect to the earth, emotions build up to be suppressed inside and the body doesn’t know what to do with them. The brain reacts by saying "all systems shut down" - this is why so many people have mental
During Forest Bathing you can give your emotions over to mother earth while tuning into your heart space, the colour of this chakra is green.
Mother earth can compost negative emotion into organic energy.
If we are to sustain a balanced life of harmony and health now and for future generations to come we must gain a greater appreciation and respect for mother earth who is always supporting us in abundance.